24 June 2022
Sample Listening Campaign
Over the course of three days, the National Equity Project (the Project) conducted interviews with 14 leaders representing educational, philanthropic, and social service sectors in X Location. The primary purpose of the interviews was to provide information to the Project in preparation for their upcoming leadership convening.

Each interview began with a brief introduction to the National Equity Project, how we came to be working in X Location, and what we hoped to accomplish with the interview. Although our interview protocol consisted of ten questions, the questions were designed to discover the following themes: 1) strengths of the community, 2) what it is like to work and live in X Location, 3) challenges in X Location specifically in regards to racial equity and collaboration, and 4) thoughts and desired outcomes of the upcoming convening. Below are our findings, an analysis of the findings, and implications for X Organization.
Related Tools
Process Observation Worksheet
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The Lens of Systemic Oppression
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