REL West hosted a 2-part webinar series on how educators can engage in a transformation process to reduce the psychological harm that microaggressions–the manifestations of attitudes and stereotypes that unconsciously affect peoples’ perceptions, actions, and decisions–can have on school culture and students’ overall education experience and achievement.
Attendees learned about the research showing links between school climate, microaggressions, and student learning, and participate in rich discussions about a 4-part transformational process for recognizing and taking important steps to reduce the conditions that lead to microaggressions and harmful school culture.
Webinar attendees:
- Deepened their knowledge of school climate and culture and the effects of implicit bias and microaggressions;
- Explored a framework for transformation to address underlying causes and conditions that can negatively impact students’ psychological well-being and sense of social belonging; and
- Learned about specific tools and strategies for implementing school climate transformation.
Related Tools
Empathy Interview Guide
Adapted from resources by the High Tech High GSE Center Research on Equity and Innovation and the LUMA Institute
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