Section 401: Fiscal and Business Management
- 401.2 Rescinded
- 401.3 Rescinded
- 401.4 Rescinded
- 401.5 Rescinded
- 401.8 Rescinded
- 401.11 Rescinded
- 401.12 Rescinded
- 401.13 Rescinded
- 401.19 Rescinded
Section 402: Transfer of Funds
Section 403: Revenue and Investments
Section 404: Debt
Section 405: Payment Procedures
Section 406: Accounting/Audits
Section 407: Food Service
Section 408: Student Fees
Section 409: Safety
Section 410: Facilities
Section 500A: Employee Discipline
Section 501: Equal Employment Opportunity
Section 502: Residency
Section 503: Ethics
Section 504: Professional Personnel, Employment
- 504.2A Rescinded
- 504.3 Rescinded
- 504.4 Rescinded
- 504.5 Rescinded
- 504.7 Rescinded
- 504.8 Rescinded
- 504.9 Rescinded
- 504.11 Rescinded
- 504.12 Rescinded
Section 505: Educational Support Personnel, Employment
Section 506: Consultants
Section 507: Employee Work Related Expenses
Section 508: Medical
Section 509: Sexual Harassment
Section 510: Communicable and Chronic Infections and Disease
Section 511: Reporting of Abused and Neglected Children
Section 512: Recognition for Service
Section 513: Leaves of Absence
- Policy and Rules /
- Policies
- Rescinded Policies