- 605.1 High School Promotion
- 605.2 Elementary School Promotion
- 605.3 Minimum High School Graduation Requirements
- 605.4 Granting Credit Towards Graduation for Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment Courses
- 605.5 Awarding High School Credit and Competency for Placement for High School Level Courses Taken by Elementary Students
- 605.6 Scholastic Eligibility for Interscholastic Sports and Activities
- 605.7 Grade Change
- 605.8 Awarding Credits and Diplomas to Students with Disabilities Enrolled in Non-Public Programs
- 605.9 Physical Education
- 605.10 Veterans Diploma
- 605.11 Granting Credit Toward High School Graduation For Courses Taken Through Internet-Based Delivery
- 605.13 Grade Point Average
- Policy and Rules /
- Policies /
- Section 600
- Section 605