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Search Tips

There are a number of factors for families to consider when choosing the best CPS school for their student. Using GoCPS, families can search and apply for a variety of academic programs at schools across the city. The first stop is to explore and compare programs using the School Search Tool.

Students apply for admission the year before the school year they’re applying for. For example, if you are interested in enrolling in the 2025-2026 school year, you should fill out the GoCPS application in the Fall of 2024.Families are encouraged to begin exploring options, locations, and eligibility during summer and the start of the school year before the application cycle opens in the fall.

How to Search Schools & Programs

The CPS School Search tool lets you filter, find, and compare GoCPS programs based on location, academic focus, and more. Each school’s profile page includes eligibility and selection criteria for all programs offered.

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School Search Tool Tips

The search tool has great features to help you explore schools and GoCPS programs throughout the city! Here are some helpful tips:

  • Filter results by location, grade level, type of program, and more.
  • Type in your address in the search bar. All the schools within a 2 mile radius will populate on the map, color coded by elementary and high schools.
    • You can adjust the distance in the drop down menu to limit or expand the search area.
    • You’ll see your neighborhood elementary and high schools listed and on the map with school icons.
    • The default viewing is card view. You can change the list view for quicker scrolling.
    • The Overlays dropdown menu gives options to add attendance boundaries and other geographic info on the map.
  • Click on a school to get their detailed profile page, including location, grades served, CPS-run or charter, school hours, public transportation access, demographics, etc.
  • The Admissions tab gives you all the information you need on GoCPS programs: eligibility, selection process, priority preferences, required testing if any, etc.

Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602