Evaluation Process
CPS takes the decision for a child to enter school early seriously, so the criteria for early entry is rigorous. Applicants must pass a developmental survey AND an academic and cognitive evaluation. The evaluation process is designed to ensure that students are not hindered by the challenges of the instructional programs at a higher grade. On average, about 10-15% of applicants become eligible for kindergarten early.
What to Consider
Although a student may exhibit high academic ability, they may not be ready for kindergarten. Other important factors are social maturity, personal development, and motor development. If a student is evaluated as a viable candidate for early entrance to kindergarten, it is important that all stakeholders are supportive of the decision.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Information Sheet
Early Entrance to Kindergarten is the only process in which a child can bypass Board Rule 6-2, which requires children to turn five on or before September 1 in order to enroll in kindergarten. If a child turns five on or before September 1 of their kindergarten year, then the child is already eligible to enroll in kindergarten and does not need to go through this process.
Two Application Periods
Parents can either apply for Early Entrance to Kindergarten during the fall/winter or the spring/summer application period. Children can only be assessed once for the upcoming school year.
- Applying during fall/winter means children participate in the assessment at an earlier age, but can be considered for a greater number of GoCPS programs if they qualify for early entry.
- Applying during spring/summer means children participate in the assessment at a later age, but can only be considered for schools that still have seats available at that time.
School Options Once Student Qualifies
- Neighborhood Schools (both application periods): Students who qualify for early entrance to kindergarten during the fall/winter process or spring/summer process can enroll in the designated neighborhood school for their home address.
- GoCPS Schools/Programs (fall/winter): Students who qualify for early entrance to kindergarten during the fall/winter process can be considered for enrollment in GoCPS Choice (magnet, magnet cluster, dual language, or open enrollment) programs or Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools (Classical Schools or Regional Gifted Centers). Selective Enrollment schools require additional admissions testing (the results of Early Entrance to Kindergarten cannot be used as a substitute for Selective Enrollment testing). Visit the GoCPS Elementary section for details and deadlines.
- GoCPS Schools/Programs (spring/summer): Students who qualify for early entrance to kindergarten during the spring/summer process will not be eligible to test or apply for Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools. Families will be able to enroll their qualifying students in their neighborhood school or place on the waitlist of any GoCPS Choice (magnet, magnet cluster, dual language, or open enrollment) programs. Visit the GoCPS Elementary section for details.
Steps to Apply
The parent/guardian will submit during the online application period (March 10, 2025 – April 11, 2025).
The parent/guardian will be contacted via email to complete an online developmental survey, which will be emailed to the email address on file approximately one to two weeks after the application closes. Prior to filling out the developmental survey, the parent/guardian must email the following documentation to gocps@cps.edu:
- Evidence that the student attended at least one year of preschool.
- Non-CPS preschoolers should provide a letter signed by the student’s preschool verifying this information.
- CPS preschoolers' information will be verified via the Aspen student information system.
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate or other proof of age, such as a passport.
If the result of the survey:
- Meets the requirement indicating kindergarten readiness (91st percentile or above), the student will be scheduled for an academic and cognitive test.
- Does not meet the minimum requirement, the parent/legal guardian will be notified via email and the early entrance evaluation process for the child will end.
Students scheduled for the academic and cognitive test will be tested by a CPS psychologist at the CPS Garfield Park offices at 2651 W. Washington Blvd.
- For the fall/winter application cycle, testing typically occurs on a Saturday. Because all applicants must turn four years old prior to testing, at least one test date will be offered in January.
- For the spring/summer application cycle, testing may take place during the week or over the weekend.
- The exam will be scored within five business days and the parent will be notified via email regarding the results.
- The child must score at the 91st percentile or higher on both the academic and cognitive portions of the test in order to qualify for Early Entrance into Kindergarten. If the student does not achieve this score, the parent will be notified in the email notification and the Early Entrance evaluation process for the student ends.
If the student achieves the required minimum score on the academic and cognitive tests, the child's application will be approved and the student will be considered as an applicant to kindergarten. Students can then enroll in the designated neighborhood school for their home address, or apply to be considered for enrollment in Selective Enrollment (Classical Schools or Regional Gifted Centers) or Choice (magnet, magnet cluster, dual language or open enrollment) Schools. Spring/summer applicants will not be able to apply to Selective Enrollment programs.