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External Volunteers

This page provides a brief overview of the requirements for volunteers that seek to engage in electronic messaging (e.g., phone, email, text, video conference) with staff, families or students in support of CPS authorized activities.

All volunteers are required to follow the Standards of Conduct for Maintaining Professional Boundaries between Staff and Students. This guidance was developed in accordance with the Volunteer Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.

Questions about eligibility or appropriate use of communication channels should be directed to the volunteer’s school principal or CPS department. Only CPS-approved communication channels may be used.

Please note that this page does not address the background check requirement for volunteers or their organizations.

Permitted Interactions by Volunteer Level

Level 1 Volunteer
To CPS Staff  Acceptable 
To CPS Families  Acceptable  Email, video conference or phone via volunteer's email
To CPS Students: Email  Acceptable  Only via volunteer's email to student's email
To CPS Students: Live Videoconference  Acceptable 
  • Google Meets only
  • must be invited to Google Meet
To CPS Students: Phone Not Acceptable
Level 2 Volunteer
To CPS Staff  Acceptable
To CPS Families Not Acceptable
To CPS Students: Email Not Acceptable
To CPS Students: Live Videoconference  Acceptable 
  • CPS staff member must schedule the Google Meet
  • CPS staff member must attend the Google Meet for the entire duration
To CPS Students: Phone Not Acceptable