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Information and Technology Services (ITS)

The Department of Information and Technology Services (ITS) works to build the capacity of schools to use information and technology, maintain network infrastructure, security standards, and support other departments to meet district goals.

Support for Information and Technology Services


42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602

We provide innovative technology solutions that improve the quality of education for students, reduce the administrative burden on educators, facilitate parent interaction, increase community engagement, and support CPS’ mission of transparency by focusing on the ease and equity of access to information.

Responsible for:

  • Designing programs to maximize education by empowering staff and students to use information and technology in the schools
  • Supporting more than 750,000 devices, including desktops, laptops, Chromebooks, and iPads, across the district
  • Running and maintaining core district systems that are used by more than 30,000 CPS staff members every day, including Student Information, Finance, and Human Resources
  • Providing a robust data and telephone network across all CPS locations 
  • Responding to over 150,000 requests for technical support annually
  • Managing 2,500 servers and 20,000 pieces of network equipment, including network switches and wireless access points
  • Providing technology-based professional development to all CPS staff members, including Tech Talk, Googlepalooza, and Google Certified Educator Boot Camps

Department Functions

  • Student Records and School Performance

    Run and maintain Aspen, the student information system, and oversee the data warehouse, CPS Dashboard, and performance analytics.

  • Operating and Supporting Systems

    Provide technical support for Finance, Talent, Payroll, the Learning Hub,, and other supporting ITS functions, such as training and communications.

  • Infrastructure Backbone

    Manage data center, telephones, and the data network, including school wireless networks and internet connections.

  • Business Partnership and Innovation

    Deliver business analysis, change management, IT business operations, and enterprise solution services to support a seamless transition to new systems, tools, and processes while establishing consistent, repeatable practices.

  • Cyber Security

    Improve information security posture by protecting the confidentiality of sensitive data, preserving the integrity of IT assets and ensure the availability of IT services to fulfill the department's mission.

  • Enterprise IT Device Systems

    Offer computer engineering and help desk technical support and oversight of field service support vendors, software licensing, and device acquisitions.

Parent Tech Support Help Center

Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 6:30 pm

Visit the Support Help Center
Get support for your student’s CPS-issued device and other technology-related issues.


Support is available in English and Spanish.